Tag: friday five with lori & jane

Lori & Jane gush over their favorite literary characters of all time.  Books discussed include (affiliate links below): Lori’s picks: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird Major Pettigrew from Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand Jo March from Little Women Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice Winnie the Pooh Jane’s picks: Jane Eyre The Count…

It’s that time again.  Lori & Jane spend some time answering more random questions, including “What fictional character would you bring to life?” and “What would the title of your autobiography be?” Subscribe and listen:

Everyone has at least one movie that they can’t stand, but yet everyone else adores.  This week, Jane’s sister Jen joins the show to discuss movies we hate that everyone else loves. We guarantee to offend most listeners with our #1 choice. Subscribe and listen:

Who doesn’t love George Clooney movies?  This week Lori & Jane go through some of their favorites by one of the most dapper Hollywood leading men of our generation. Subscribe and listen:

Jane and Lori wax nostalgic about their favorite children’s TV shows when they were kids.  Did you also get up for the children’s version of “MUST SEE TV” on Saturday mornings? And the current day cartoon that Jane could not remember is called “Gravity Falls.” Subscribe and listen:

This week Lori & Jane spend some time discussing some animals that aren’t typically thought of as possible pets that they would LOVE to have as pets.  Lori spends most of the episode focused on her first choice, really.  She’s OBSESSED. Subscribe and listen:

Note: Jane clearly doesn’t know what she did with the sound setup.  She changed the settings and it’s STILL bad again this week.  She promises she’ll fix it for next week…we’ll see.  Please forgive us again for the sound.  She thought she fixed it, but she clearly didn’t.  She sounds…

NOTE:  We know the audio on this episode is atrocious.  Jane thought she was getting fancy with a few changes she made to our recording settings and only succeeded in making us sound like rookies again.  Don’t worry – she fixed the settings after we recorded this episode.  We promise the next…

NOTE:  We know the audio on this episode is atrocious.  Jane thought she was getting fancy with a few changes she made to our recording settings and only succeeded in making us sound like rookies again. Lori and Jane have tried and failed at many hobbies over the years.  This week they…