Tag: friday five

This week, Lori & Jane answer more random questions. A few questions include: What’s your favorite day of the week? What’s your favorite smell? If you had to go into the witness protection program, what name would you choose and where would you want to live? They sound mundane, sure,…

This week Lori & Jane talk about their favorite bands or musical acts of all time.  So many bands to choose from – how will they narrow it down to just five each? Subscribe and listen:

This week Lori and Jane review their Strengthfinders 2.0 results and talk about how this simple and fun psychological test can help you determine what YOUR strengths are, and how to enable them to impact your life in a positive way. Sounds very touchy feely, doesn’t it? If you want…

This week Lori and Jane discuss everyone’s least favorite topic: chores.  Those things that have to get done around the house, but no one likes doing them.  Tune in to hear all about Jane’s clothing journal and what Lori does (or doesn’t do) with her laundry. Subscribe and listen:

Jane is forcing Lori to do some dreaming this week, as we talk about what we’d put in our dream homes. Japanese soaking tub: https://www.diamondspas.com/kitchen-bath-collection/custom-baths/japanese-soaking-tubs-and-baths/ (the one Jane loves is the Stainless Steel Circular Japanese Soaking Bath 42” round x 35” sitting on a bed of rocks about 2/3s of the way…

We have opted not to do a normal episode this week in light of the heartbreaking death of George Floyd on Memorial Day as well as the resulting demonstrations regarding racial injustice. We have a wish for a country free from fear, hatred and violence between its people and especially…

Lori & Jane have itchy palms and miss the art of shopping.  This week, they discuss some of their favorite stores (both online and brick & mortar), with a goal of eventually being allowed out long enough to buy a cute new outfit or a fancy new pillow for the…

Lori and Jane consulted a list of all the previous Best Picture Academy Award Winners and picked out their top five favorites.  Man, that list has a lot of great movies on it.  But we managed to single out the best of the best! Here is a list you can…

This week Lori & Jane address the fact that the main thing they’re doing during shelter-in-place restrictions is binge-watching their favorite TV shows.  Take a listen and see if one of their favorite shows of all time makes YOUR list of what to watch! Subscribe and listen:

Lori and Jane are answering random questions again today.  Those questions are: Have you ever been in a car accident? What is the last thing you bought? Who is the last person you argued with? What is on your bedside table? Favorite Summer Olympic sport? They sound mundane, sure, but…